It is an inflammation of the vein with a clot formation.
It occurs most often in the veins of the legs, but may occur in other areas of the body.
Long periods of immobility or lack of position changes.
Oral contraceptives.
Varicose veins or other vascular problems.
Intravenous therapy.
Advancing age.
Cardiac disease.
Cigarette smoking.
Superficial thrombophlebitis:
Increased firmness of the vein.
Redness and warmth along the vein.
Deep vein thrombosis (NOTE: may not have any symptoms).
Cramping leg pain aggravated by movement.
Increased warmth of the skin.
Positive Homan's sign (pain upon straightening or extending toes).
Promote good circulation:
Avoid constrictive clothing (garters, girdles, etc.).
Avoid smoking (constricts blood vessels).
Avoid crossing legs and sitting for long periods.
Exercise regularly.
Wear support hose when standing for long periods.
Elevate legs periodically.
Avoid oral contraceptives.
Eat a well-balanced diet (calcium, vitamin E, and vitamin K all affect clotting mechanism). (Provide "Daily Food Guide" handout.)
Follow post-operative teaching:
Early ambulation.
Passive and active exercise.
Deep breathing exercise.
Pain relief:
Warm, moist heat to affected area as ordered.
Analgesics as ordered.
Anticoagulants as ordered. (Provide Coumadin handout as appropriate.)
Bed rest or activity as instructed.
Prevention of emboli:
Fluids increased to at least 6-8 glasses per day.
Massaging of affected part avoided.
Anti-embolism stockings.
Pulmonary embolism (blood clot to the lung).
Stroke (blood clot to the brain).