Warfarin (Coumadin)

1.      Action


A.      Warfarin prevents formation of new blood clots.


2.      Possible Adverse Reactions


A.      Hemorrhage.

B.      Diarrhea.

C.      Vomiting.

D.      Cramps.

E.      Fever.


3.      General Education


A.      Always take the medication at the same time each day.

B.      Have regular blood tests drawn to check coagulation of the blood.

C.      Consult your physician before taking any over-the-counter medication.

D.      Wear a medic alert bracelet.

E.      Report any signs of bleeding.

i.         Blood in urine.

ii.        Unusual bleeding from nose, gums, or skin.

iii.      Bleeding that does not stop in ten minutes. (Apply direct pressure to site for five to ten minutes to stop bleeding.)

iv.      Faintness, dizziness, or increased weakness.

v.       Severe headaches or stomach pain.

vi.      Unusual bruises or petechiae.

F.       Use safety measures to prevent injury.

i.         Use an electric razor.

ii.        Use a soft toothbrush.

iii.      Avoid participating in contact sports.

G.      Avoid alcohol because it can increase effects of anticoagulants.

H.      Inform other physicians, dentist, or foot doctor that you are taking an anticoagulant.

I.         Eat consistent leafy vegetables, cauliflower, tomatoes, fish, liver, cheese, bananas, and egg yolks.

J.       Avoid aspirin and aspirin products, which include many cough and cold remedies.

K.       If a dose is forgotten, it can be taken later the same day, but two doses in one day should never be taken. (Notify the physician if more than two doses are missed.)

L.       Store drug away from extreme heat or cold.