
1.      Action


A.      Analgesic.

B.      Antipyretic.

C.      Anti-inflammatory.

D.      Anticoagulant.


2.      Possible Adverse Reactions


A.      Dizziness.

B.      Nausea or vomiting.

C.      Hearing loss.

D.      Gastrointestinal distress.

E.      Prolonged bleeding time, occult bleeding.

F.       Skin rash.

G.      Peptic ulcer.

H.      Abnormal liver function, hepatitis.

I.         Mild toxicity, indicated by:

i.         Ringing in the ears.

ii.        Visual blurring.

iii.      Drowsiness.

iv.      Confusion.

v.       Burning mouth or sore throat.

J.       Acute toxicity, indicated by:

i.         Convulsions.

ii.        Coma.

iii.      Respiratory failure.


3.      General Education


A.      Discard aspirin if vinegar odor is present.

B.      Take aspirin with food, milk, antacid, or large glass of water to decrease side effects, or use enteric-coated tablets. (Do not crush enteric-coated tablets.)

C.      Report signs of toxicity such as dizziness, vomiting, tinnitus, hearing loss, confusion, burning mouth or throat. (Febrile, dehydrated children and the elderly are prone to toxicity.)

D.      Do not give to children with chicken pox or influenza-type illness due to possibility of Reye's syndrome.

E.      To decrease possibility of overdose, do not take more than five doses per 24-hour period unless ordered by physician.

F.       Use cautiously in clients with hay fever, asthma, and nasal polyps.

G.      Observe and report for signs and symptoms of bleeding (bruising, bleeding gums, black stools, etc.).

H.      Keep containers tightly closed.

I.         Do not take antacids within one hour of enteric-coated tablets.

J.       Check with physician before taking aspirin or medications containing aspirin for possible interactions with prescription drugs being taken.

K.       Keep out of reach of children.

L.       If possible, stop taking aspirin dosage a week before elective surgery.

M.     Taking alcohol or steroids with aspirin increases risk of bleeding.

N.      Aspirin should not be used by those who have aspirin hypersensitivity, peptic ulcer disease, hemophilia, hemorrhagic states, or acute viral infections (increases incidence of Reye's Syndrome).