The upper airways consist of the nose, throat, and voicebox.
The lower airways consist of the windpipe, bronchi and bronchioles.
At the end of the airways gas exchange occurs, supplying the blood with oxygen and removing carbon dioxide.
Fast heart rate.
Cyanosis (blueness in fingernails, around lips, etc.).
Wheezing and congestion in lungs.
Shortness of breath.
Implement measures to liquefy secretions.
Maintain fluid intake of 2-3 quarts per day if not contraindicated.
Use an air humidifier.
Use nebulizer or IPPB treatment.
Perform percussion, postural drainage, and vibration as ordered.
Perform nasal, pharyngeal, or tracheal suctioning as ordered.
Use expectorants and other medications as ordered.
Use inspiratory inhaler every two hours.
Perform breathing exercises. (Provide "Effective Breathing Techniques" handout.)
Use effective cough method. (Provide "Effective Cough Techniques" handout.)
Report early signs of respiratory infection (increased cough, change in color and amount of sputum, fever, shortness of breath).
Avoid large crowds and contact with illness.
Eat a well-balanced diet. (Provide "Daily Food Guide" handout.)
Avoid smoking.
Plan regular rest periods.
Shortness of breath.