
  1. Definition of "hypertension."


    1. It is the occasional or continued elevation of diastolic or systolic pressure.

    2. The systolic reading (the top number) represents the pressure exerted on the blood vessel wall when the heart is contracting.

    3. The diastolic reading (the bottom number) represents the pressure on the blood vessel wall while the heart is at rest.


  1. Normal blood pressure values. (No absolute dividing line exists between normal and high blood pressure, but the American Heart Association give the following guidelines.)


    1. Blood pressure readings for people age 50 or older should not exceed 160/90.

    2. Blood pressure readings for people age 18-49 should not exceed 140/90.


  1. Factors that may increase risk of hypertension.



  1. Measures to control hypertension.



  1. Possible complications of hypertension.