It is an uneasiness of the mind caused by a vague, nonspecific threat.
The autonomic nervous system is activated, releasing epinephrine form the adrenal glands, which prepares the body to defend itself.
Anxiety can be caused by many situations.
Increased alertness and learning.
Restlessness, irritability.
Slight discomfort or uneasiness.
Moderate discomfort or uneasiness.
Shakiness, pacing.
Increased pulse and respiratory rate.
Inability to learn.
Severe discomfort or uneasiness.
Moderate feeling of worthlessness and powerlessness.
Extreme discomfort and uneasiness.
Extreme feelings of isolation and helplessness.
Extreme feelings of worthlessness and powerlessness.
Inability to learn and communicate.
Identify source of fear and stress, and attempt to eliminate or manage it.
Obtain spiritual and/or psychological support.
Engage in relaxing activity such as a warm bath, back massage, soft music, etc.
Increase diversional and recreational activities.
Set realistic goals.
Learn stress reduction techniques. (Provide "Relaxation Techniques" handout.)
Use role playing to deal with anxiety-provoking situations.
Have emergency numbers of hotline or emergency room close by the phone.
Care giver should provide assurance and stay with client until anxiety is alleviated.
Reduce environmental stimuli such as loud noises, bright lights, etc.
Take medications as prescribed.